Tuesday 26 October 2010

And may I present ...(drum roll)... crawling

So this is what started it... A bunch of babies and some kick-arse toys, juuuuust out of arm's reach. And voila! We have forward momentum. It's more commando than textbook elbows and knees, but I'm fine with a fairly slow speed - can catch her before she gets into the bin, pulls the power cord, eats the pegs, rips the magazine, licks the dog, and on and on.


Monday 25 October 2010

It was the House! It was the House that did it!

Mr B took a Friday off work just after we got back from holidays, (keeping the dream alive for as long as possible). It was a beautiful sunny day and we walked in to the South end of the city, to check out a new Thai joint, the little sister of very popular and much loved by boys, Spice I Am. Its name? House. Staffed by gorgeous Thai girls, attached to a pub selling cold Singh beer, spicy for Mr B, sweet for me. Kop khun ka!

Thursday 14 October 2010

Toothy pegs!

They're hard to capture on film, but we have two little teeth, bottom middle. They are super sharp and I love them! Why? Who knows... They have nipped me a few times, but after a firm "no" (which was met with a cheeky grin), she seems to have quit. But I love it when she chomps down on my finger with relish, like she's testing out a new pair of shoes. Which I guess in a way she is. Chomp chomp chomp.

Thursday 7 October 2010


Our holiday to Palm Cove did us good on a number of fronts. One - I'm feeling a lot better about my bod. Yeah, my tummy's a little crepy, my thighs are a little orange peely, but I'm comfy in my body again, and there's something so comforting about holding that tiny person against my skin, something uplifting. 

Plus I find a capsule wardrobe strangely satisfying. Why is that?