Monday 14 June 2010

Wet but wonderful

The rain, the rain... It shows how engaged I am with the outside world that it didn't seem crazy to walk up to Redfern with The Berry, The Boutz and Mr B. It was wet. But wonderful. Took The Berry in her Hug-a-bub sling and she slept the whole time as we ate brekkie at a tiny chilly outside table, with the dog huddling under our knees, doing a very good job of looking pathetic:

I had gingerbread hotcakes with pear, they were yummy, but could have been a bit lighter? I know gingerbread's supposed to be kinda fudgy, but... I'm taking inspiration to maybe try something similar but, well, better.

They came from Baffi & Mo, here's a pic taken in sunnier weather, nicked from Pia Jane Bijkerk (proof that the cafe is super-cool)

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