Sunday 25 July 2010

Hostessing with the mostessing

On Sunday we hosted an engagement party for some friends. Oh I do like a hostessing moment, right up until the point when people arrive. The best bit is when everything's laid out and pretty and empty and Mr B has just put the music on. 

The main project: cupcakes. After much interwebs research, made recipe from Crabapple Bakery - apparently a dubious business, but a great cupcake. Iced 'em with chocolate buttercream and lemon/sour cream. Only sent Mr B on three trips for forgotten ingredients.

We also had chicken wings, wedges and yummy dips from Sultan's Table. Decorations courtesy of my supply of washi paper masking tape.

Juno had cuddles with lots of Aunties and good sleeps despite the racket, and the lovely couple hung around into the evening... 


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